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SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing

Table of Contents
Volume 15, Issue 4, pp. 755-1001

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Fast Wavelet Based Algorithms for Linear Evolution Equations

Bjorn Engquist, Stanley Osher, and Sifen Zhong

pp. 755-775

A Simple Adaptive Grid Method in Two Dimensions

WeiZhang Huang and David M. Sloan

pp. 776-797

Error Equidistribution and Mesh Adaptation

Ke Chen

pp. 798-818

A Scheme for Conservative Interpolation on Overlapping Grids

G. Chesshire and W. D. Henshaw

pp. 819-845

High Order Accuracy Optimized Methods for Constrained Numerical Solutions of Hyperbolic Conservation Laws

C. Coray and J. Koebbe

pp. 846-865

Domain Decomposition to Solve Transition Layers and Asymptotics

Marc Garbey

pp. 866-891

Local Piecewise Hyperbolic Reconstruction of Numerical Fluxes for Nonlinear Scalar Conservation Laws

Antonio Marquina

pp. 892-915

A Dispersion Analysis of Finite Element Methods for Maxwell's Equations

P. B. Monk and A. K. Parrott

pp. 916-937

Collocation Software for Boundary Value Differential-Algebraic Equations

Uri M. Ascher and Raymond J. Spiteri

pp. 938-952

Shifting Strategies for the Parallel $QR$ Algorithm

David S. Watkins

pp. 953-958

A Shadowing Lemma Approach to Global Error Analysis for Initial Value ODEs

Shui-Nee Chow and Erik S. Van Vleck

pp. 959-976

Numerical Solution of First Passage Problems in Random Vibrations

Hans Petter Langtangen

pp. 977-996

Contour Dynamics and the Fast Multipole Method

H. Schmitt

pp. 997-1001